Marisa dos Reis Nunes

Marisa was born in Lourenço Marques (Maputo), capital of the Portuguese overseas province of Mozambique. She is the daughter of a Portuguese father, José Brandão Nunes, and a Mozambican mother, Isabel Nunes.
She was born prematurely, six months and a half without any apparent clinical justification and, according to the singer, her father considered her the ugliest baby he had ever seen. According to her "her ears were still glued and her eyes were open" and her father thought she would not survive.

Diogo Miguel Ramires Piçarra 

Diogo Miguel Ramires Piçarra, (Faro, October 19, 1990), known as Diogo Piçarra, is a singer.
Diogo won the 2012 edition of the "Ídolos", a talent show, being the former competitor of Portuguese television talent shows for decades of 2000 and 2010 that greatest success in the musical area.

Carlos do Carmo de Ascensão Almeida

He is a singer and interpreter of Portuguese fado.

Son of Alfredo de Almeida, a book merchant and later owner of the fairies' house O Faia, and his wife, the fado singer Lucília do Carmo, Carlos do Carmo was born in Mouraria, at Magalhães Coutinho Maternity, and spent his childhood in the neighborhood of Bica.
He studied at the Liceu Passos Manuel, before leaving, at the age of 15, for Switzerland. In this country he attended the Institut auf dem Rosenberg, a German college in St. Gallen, for three years, having the opportunity to study foreign languages, becoming fluent in French, English, German, Italian and Spanish. Later, in Geneva, he obtained a degree in Hospitality Management.

Mariza- Rain (lyrics)

The rain Mariza The vulgar things in life Do not miss it Only the memories that hurt Or make you smile There are people who stay in history of people's history and others of whom neither the name we remember hearing They are emotions that give life I miss it, I bring it. The ones I had with you and I ended up losing There are days that mark the soul and people's lives and the one where you left me I can not forget The rain was wetting my face. Frosty and tired The streets that the city had I had already traveled Oh my cry of lost girl shouted to the city that the fire of love under rain a few moments ago he died The rain heard and shut up. my secret to the city And behold, she beats the glass Bringing the longing.

Diogo Piçarra (lyrics)

Raises hand on face without realizing Order one more glass to forget. And make all this A little less difficult to handle He smiled at me without knowing me. I ask you if we meet again A day elsewhere If I remember this, tomorrow Sometimes I just wanted to disappear. Lose me in your arms until you die If this is paradise So I do not need another place anymore. Sometimes I just wanted to disappear. Lose me in your arms until you die If this is paradise So I do not need another place anymore. You pass me in the mind I come back suddenly To that our site That I can not let I do not know if it's from me or you do not want to know I wonder if we meet again Because nothing is impossible When it is still possible to believe, hey Sometimes I just wanted to disappear. Lose me in your arms until you die If it was paradise I do not want another place to go back Sometimes I just wanted to disappear. Lose me in your arms until you die If it was paradise I do not want somewhere else to go back, hey. Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Oh oh oh Uh uh uh Do not leave me now Not now Because I can barely distinguish Where is paradise without you? Sometimes I just wanted to disappear. Lose me in your arms until you die If this is paradise, hmm Sometimes I just wanted to disappear. Lose me in your arms until you die If this is paradise So I do not need another place anymore, hey. If this is paradise So I do not need another place, oh If it was paradise I do not want another place to go back.

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Music for dancing

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